List of Services
Applicable When Necessary
Extraction of Asphalt Core Samples from the Roadway (includes tenchician plus coring machine), per hourly rate
Monitorinig the Coring of Asphalt Samples, per hourly rate
ASTM D-1188 Bulk specific Gravity of Core Sample
ASTM D-979 Collection of a Boxed Asphalt Sample
ASTM D-1664 Coating and Stripping Bitumen-Aggregate Mixtures Unsing an Oven
Technician Time, per hourly rate
Technician Travel Time, per hourly rate
NOTE: All field charges are subject to a minimum charge of 2.5 hours unless otherwise noted. Technician Time, Weekend/Holiday and after 6:00 pm, before 6:00 am or to time over 8 hours per day will be billed at time and a half hourly rate.
Principal Engineer Time, per hourly rate
Staff Engineer Time, per hourly rate
Clerical Assistance, per hourly rate
Structural Steel Inspection by a Sub-Contractor, per hourly rate plus mielage (Ultrasonic Testing, Extra Charge)
Mileage, per mile (may be subject to change with an additional fuel surcharge)
Nuclear or Asphalt Gauge Rental, per daily rate
If you and your company are in need of specialized services that are not listed here, contact the BTE office at 301-862-4300 for personalized service with our team of professionals.